Friday, December 12, 2008


By Nic Sheff...the subtitle is growing up on methamphetamines...I read this book because someone recommended it to me. I have read several similar type books...anyone who thinks that drug use is glamorous, needs to read this book and others like this. This boy (and this is a true story) starting drinking at age 11 and soon starting smoking pot...which lead to using cocaine, heroine, and meth...he struggles with being sober and living the life of drugs. I wish kids would read books like this before even thinking of experimenting. Most of the kids I have known both when I was younger and ones I have met now feel like experimenting is a phase you go through...not a lifestyle that you become shackled with. This boy, Nic, struggles with being clean and wanting to die doing drugs...he has other issues, with his family, his friends, but it is really about what he thinks of himself. What people never know, kids especially, is that you won't know what things will effect you and how they will effect you. The other thing is that parents don't know...they all think that their kid won't do it...or that they aren't exposed to it. They couldn't be more wrong. Everyone has encountered it at one point or another, whether they admit it or not...and some kids say no and the situation passes...but others think about it, some even try it...and most of them think, oh this is a one time thing and won't effect me at all. Tell that to Nic...

And, I recommend this to everyone!

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