Monday, November 3, 2008

Save Karyn

One Shopaholic's Journey to Debt and Back by Karyn Bosnak. Okay, I LOVED this book. I have been there...watching your life cycle out of control with the spending, the borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, the promises to yourself and then something happening to keep you from doing what you know is right! UGH! I could have used this book in my 20s. It is so easy to see how out of control it gets when it is happening to someone else. I really like her way of getting things out of control...and I don't want to give anything I can't say how she gets there. But, I really enjoyed this book and my friend who recommended it, thanks! I really liked it! Often I am tempted to try and sell everything I own for $1...I think it would help!


Lindsey said...

i LOVE this book. i think it would be a great movie as well.
Did you start american wife?
Have you read any Ken Follett?
A co-worker recommended him, but then another acted like he was awful.
I started "World without end". Just a few pages in but it seems good. Any words of wisdom for me? Because this is a LONG book, I don't want to invest in it if it is no good.

Tracy said...

Ken Follett writes historical fiction like John Grisham writes about trials and lawyers...VERY detailed...I personally haven't read him. But, if you enjoy historical fiction...go for it. And, by the way, there is a book BEFORE "world without end" you may want to read that one first! I haven't started American Wife, I need to finish Brisingr first...then it is next on the list!! Let me know what you think of Follett!!