Saturday, November 15, 2008

Am I Reading?

I haven't posted anything as of late on the blog, I was going through some books right and is what has happened to me....I started Brisingr, the next in the Eragon series and got to about page 256 when I noticed there was a wait list on it at the Library (since I work in a library I notice these things) so I returned the book, LOVED it so far, just haven't finished it. THEN, I started reading AMERICAN WIFE, and got about 2 chapters into the book, and I am hooked...but then I noticed people waiting on it, so I returned the book and put myself back to the bottom of the list...this weekend I went and found the hardback for 1/2 I should have an opinion about it soon. Well, in the meantime I was recommended THE LAST CHINESE CHEF...and so I am halfway through that book as well. And, to make things even more interesting my name came up on HUNGER GAMES, a book that Stephenie Meyer has recommended on her I think I have some reading to do. Also, I was very curious about the John Adams mini-series on HBO...I got that 2 weeks ago and just finished it last naturally I am interested in reading the book OR reading a book by David McCullough...I have picked out TRUMAN, which is HUGE. I anticipate reading that on my flight to Ohio in a couple weeks. SO...I am reading...just not finishing anything yet. I promise to get something finished this weekend for sure!

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