Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Swapping Lives

So, I just finished a book recommended to me by my co-worker. It was soooo good. Imagine that you are a successful working woman but there is something missing in your life...a family, home husband. Imagine now that you are a happily married housewife, your husband makes good money and your house nearly runs are involved in charities and associations, but you feel like maybe you are missing something in your life, a career or? Anyway, two women decide to live each other's lives for a month...and it gets really interesting. The author is Jane Green. I haven't read any other of her books, but I loved this one. It was a light read and very interesting.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I have been having a love-hate relationship with Jane Green for awhile now. I loved her first few books, hated her next few, somewhat liked her next few (including Swapping Lives) and now LOVE her latest, "The Beach House". I honestly considered not even reading it, but I am glad I did. I haven't finished yet, but for the moment it is a book I don't even want to put down, one that I will even TURN THE TV OFF for. So, if you want to read more Jane Green, pick-up "The Beach House" next.

Also, have you read The Zookeeper's Wife? I am having a lot of trouble getting into, but think if I can hold on it will pay off. If you've read it, let me know your thoughts