Monday, August 4, 2008

Non-Fiction Titles Part 1

So, a lot of people ask me about non-fictions titles. I will admit. I haven't read a lot of non-fiction unless it was for school. When I was younger I read biographies and things about history...but that was about it. I wasn't really interested in non-fiction. So...I started a few years ago, first it was one, then two, and now, I keep my eye out for the next non-fiction read. Some of my criteria for a good non-fiction include, interesting topic, reads like a novel and shows me something new. So here are a couple titles that I have really enjoyed. Feel free to recommend your own...and I will continue to add titles periodically.


Sy Montgomery

Did you enjoy CHARLOTTE'S WEB? This is a true story of a pig who grows up never to be eaten and loved by both the owners and the town. There are even some pictures of the pig and some of its adventures.

2) STIFF by Mary Roach - okay this book is not for the weak stomached, did you ever wonder what happens to a body once they have died? Every chapter in this book talks about one of the options to a cadaver. Sometimes gross, sometimes funny, and sometimes serious, this is a great book!

3) UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN - by Frances Mayes
Do not confuse the movie with this book....if you saw the movie, you did NOT experience this book. Yes, a writer/professor from the states goes to Italy and purchases a house, but that is where my recollection of the book ends and the movie takes a completely different turn. There are recipes, interesting run ins with the locals, repairs on the house, and friends enjoying time with one another. I really enjoyed reading this book and have enjoyed several of the rest of her books.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Have you read Save Karyn? It is a fun book about a girl who's shopping addiction gets her into serious debt and she sells her stuff on ebay and asks people for just $1 each on her website and eventually her story spreads, she gets asked to be on the Today show and she writes a book. She gets out of debt using her creativity and it is fun to follow along with her.