Monday, February 21, 2011

Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory

By Mick Wallace...Just finished this collection of essays for class.  This author takes us through historical sites and the different ways they are portrayed and why.  His bone is with those who would simplify history because of fear or not giving the public enough credit.  He is really critical of Walt Disney and his brand of history.  Makes you think about our experience with history.  What have we been told?  What do we believe?  Do we care if we aren't told the whole story.  I think Mike Wallace thinks we don't care.  We would rather have the HAPPILY EVER AFTER ending.  What do you think?  It was definitely a lot to think about.  Towards the end, Wallace talks about the government's attempt to sugar coat our history...or erase from memory things that have happened that our nation is not particularly proud of.  Is this okay?  How can we as a nation learn from our mistakes and not repeat the mistakes of others if we don't know what they are?  I will admit, I wasn't a fan of Wallace's writing...but he had some things to say that I found though provoking.

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