Promoting Peace with Books not Bombs in Afghanistan and Pakistan...by Greg Mortenson. Well, I am a HUGE fan of the first book THREE CUPS OF TEA...and I have read that first book about 3 times! This was not a disappointment at all. It picks up where Three Cups of Tea left off...but it isn't more of the same (which was my concern) This books talks more about relationships, people, disasters, and how help can both help and not really help. I guess as I read this book the tragedy in Haiti was fresh and thinking about how a country can help another country made me realize that sometimes it just isn't that simple. Sometimes what we think is helpful, isn't. And...that made me think. I was also impressed with the number of people in the armed forces who have read THREE CUPS OF TEA...I often think that many of our soldiers aren't thinking in terms of other humans, but in terms of orders. That is something I need to work on! This book also enforced ideas of community, helping, and giving of your time. I definitely need to work on that as well. I am always so concerned about where my time is going...I don't always think about how I can give my time to help others. Definitely lots of great discussion items, things to make you think...and again, a message of hope in an area where things aren't always so hopeful! I highly recommend this book!
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