By Kathryn Stockett...Skeeter is just home from college...the year, 1962. She lives in Jackson, Mississippi. Her dream is to become a writer...and the advice given is to write about something that bothers you. Skeeter takes on a task that will prove to test her friendships, her relationships, and her knowledge of what she thinks life is like in the South. She begins to record stories from the black women who take care of the houses and the children for white women and families. This was an incredible read! I got sucked in immediately...and after some laughter and some tears...I finished the book thinking that it was an incredible story. The author mentions TELLING MEMORIES AMONG SOUTHERN WOMEN by Susan Tucker...and I may have to find and read that book. I was also moved by the fact that the author grew up in the south and shares some of her memories at the end of the book as well. I think I went through so many emotions while reading...and I was impressed that the author was able to make me feel...so many times I feel like I am observing a book...not experiencing it! I highly recommend this book!
I also really enjoyed this book.
Though there was such sadness in the position of these women. And those middle class white women were so awful. I loved the multiple "voices" the author used.
Agreed. We had a great book discussion on this book and it has made me want to read more about the south during that time period.
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