Friday, January 28, 2011

The Lowell Experiment

Public History in a Postindustrial Cathy Stanton...I had high hopes when starting this book.  Right away the reader knows that this was a research project.  She lays out her research and her observations.  She starts with a short introduction to the field of public history...and continues to talk more in depth about her research.  It would have been nice to get a little more background on Lowell, MA.  There is a map and some discussion, but for readers like myself, I had to go to the internet to learn more about Lowell.  She critiques the tours, the layout, and the format.  I found the appendix with her physical research results most fascinating.  I think for something to introduce some of the difficulties of an interpreter of history, this is a good read.  If you are not in the field, you would only find some of the read of interest.  I did read the entire book...for a class...and I would say it held my interest but she had so many referrals to other chapters and writings not in the book at times it was confusing.

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