Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

By Steig Larsson...I have seen the books, I have even been told there is a Swedish of course I felt the need to check it out.  Turns out that this mystery, suspense, thriller kept me guessing right up until the very end.  Loved the characters...but want to warn readers the content is not for the weak of stomach.  There are parts that are vividly described!  It is obvious from the beginning the author has it out for those who abuse, misuse, and murder women...but you aren't sure what direction the book will take!  I can't wait to read the next one!


M said...

I've been wondering about this book - so I'm glad to hear your thoughts. Think I'll see if the library has a copy!


Tracy said...

Know that this book has its fast moments and it has slow moments...don't give up, you NEED this to read book 2!