By Dan Simmons...a book that was recommended by my best friend of several years! She wanted us to read and discuss...I wasn't too excited about reading ANOTHER vampire book...the world seems saturated with them right now. But, I read that Stephen King endorsed it, it has won some awards and was written in 1989...so it seemed like there could be some promise. I was hooked from the first moment I started reading. My friend said she couldn't get into it...I was having difficulty doing anything I was supposed to do. Delightfully creepy and definitely a new take on being a vampire...not the bloodsucking variety at all! Ties to the Holocaust and Hollywood...and several twists and turns along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed it. THIS is a vampire book I can recommend along with my favorite, the queen of vampires, Anne Rice!
I am so curious to read this book! I am a fan of GOOD vampire books, but my favorites are those that go in an original direction with the story (since the genre has been mined so thoroughly already.) I was disappointed to see this one is not carried at the LL library.
We can order it from another library if you are interested! It is definitely worth trying. It is not like all of the other vampire books that are out...it was written before the vampire craze!
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