By Ann Patchett...a few years ago I picked up a book called Bel Canto by this author and I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. It was unlike anything I had ever read before and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I am not sure what genre it would fall in...perhaps just well written fiction with a plot that really sucks you in. I was hesitant to read another book by this author because that one was so good. This is also one of her earlier sometimes authors aren't as polished. Well I picked up the book Monday and finished it two days later. What an incredible story.
I will just quote the back cover of the book
St Elizabeth's is a home for unwed mothers in the 1960s. Life there is not unpleasant, and for most it is temporary. Not so for Rose, a beautiful, mysterious woman who comes to the home pregnant but not unwed. She plans to give up her baby because she knows she cannot be the mother it needs. But St Elizabeth's is near a healing spring, when Rose's time draws near she cannot go through with her plans, not all of them. And she cannot remain forever untouched by what she has left behind...and who she has become in the leaving.
I recommend!