By Stephenie Meyer...okay, this was my second read! I read this when it first came out and I had just watched the movie INVASION the most recent Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie and I made a lot of parallels...so now, nearly a year and a half later, I started listening to the book. It is 20 discs long...and WHEW! it took a long time to finish! But I enjoyed it the second time as well. Of the Stephenie Meyer books, this is my ABSOLUTE favorite! She writes an interesting tale of earth...invaded by souls, who live like parasites attached to the bodies of their humans...they are attached to their spine and brain...and their eyes change color. We meet Wanderer, who has just been attached to a human...and much to her frustration, the human mind is STILL THERE...and very angry about her being there! What follows is a tale about human kind...what we think is alien...something about souls...how some believe they are making things better for others when the others think that it is an invasion of their lifestyle and they aren't interested in the change. So many parallels can be drawn with what is going on in the world today...in spite of this being more of a science fiction...I highly recommend. I guess my husband still says that Stephenie can't write...or she sounds too childish...but I think everyone should give it a go!
I read and really enjoyed this books as well.
The "alien" aspects were out of the norm of things I usually read, but the story was written and developed in such a way that I REALLY enjoyed the plot and the characters.
I've been wavering on whether or not I want to try this one - I'm not a fan of the alien aspect - but your review made up my mind! It has to be good if you read it twice. :)
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