Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beautiful Boy

By David Sheff...what an incredible story. I have read TWEAK by his son Nic Sheff which details a boy's struggle with addiction...starting with drinking at a young age, experimenting with drugs and then finally becoming addicted to meth. It was a heart wrenching story and very harsh as it really went into the mind of an addict. So...I had been excited about reading about this addiction from the parent's point of view. It was a different was sad and hard to read. A father constantly questioning his choices to let his son experiment...and yet knowing when to step in and say enough is enough. Nic's father chose to let his son know he had tried drugs when he was younger...thinking it was a rite of passage...people go through that experimental phase...but thinking later that maybe he shouldn't have told him. Maybe telling Nic made him think that it was okay. Nic's father goes through Al-Anon to try and get some perspective...he thinks for awhile he can help his son if he loves him enough...and he struggles with putting too much attention on Nic and not enough on his immediate family. It made me made me was an incredible book! I do recommend reading both...eventhough TWEAK may be a little harsh for some with content, language, sexuality, etc...

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