Monday, October 27, 2008

Bright Lights...

Big Ass (there is a much longer title) by Jen Lancaster. I read it this weekend and in parts laughed so hard I cried...couldn't communicate and couldn't share the humor with my husband even a day later...because it was so funny. I especially enjoyed the chapter TUESDAY AFTERNOON DRINKING CLUB! I had to re-read it because I couldn't see through my tears of laughter. This author was recommended to me by a friend of mine who had recommended her newest book SUCH A PRETTY FAT. While I wait to get it from the library...I decided to read her first two. I started with her second...and am now reading her BITTER IS THE NEW BLACK. For my girlfriends out there...need a good laugh? Check one of these books out! There are other things in the book that aren't so funny, but oh so true!


Lindsey said...

I started Pretty Fat but didn't get to finish it before I had to return it. I liked it, but think you did the right thing starting with her first book, because she references the past a lot.
I agree she is very funny, but sometimes a bit over the top for me.

I just finished The American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld. I didn't realize it was loosely based on Laura Bush until I started reading it. The book was very good but I REALLY disliked the last part (which is the part where her husband is president). Still I think it is worth reading (but maybe just skim that last section).

Tracy said...

American Wife JUST came in for me and I can't wait to start it! I am going to read PRETTY FAT first...and then that is next!