Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Host

By Stephenie Meyer...okay, this was my second read! I read this when it first came out and I had just watched the movie INVASION the most recent Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie and I made a lot of parallels...so now, nearly a year and a half later, I started listening to the book. It is 20 discs long...and WHEW! it took a long time to finish! But I enjoyed it the second time as well. Of the Stephenie Meyer books, this is my ABSOLUTE favorite! She writes an interesting tale of earth...invaded by souls, who live like parasites attached to the bodies of their humans...they are attached to their spine and brain...and their eyes change color. We meet Wanderer, who has just been attached to a human...and much to her frustration, the human mind is STILL THERE...and very angry about her being there! What follows is a tale about human kind...what we think is alien...something about souls...how some believe they are making things better for others when the others think that it is an invasion of their lifestyle and they aren't interested in the change. So many parallels can be drawn with what is going on in the world today...in spite of this being more of a science fiction...I highly recommend. I guess my husband still says that Stephenie can't write...or she sounds too childish...but I think everyone should give it a go!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

By Brad Barkley and Heather Hepler...to all of my friends who enjoy teen novels...this is the book for you! Such a sweet story about two people who meet in some unlikely circumstances and fall in love. Calliope travels all of the time with her mother. They go from Renaissance festival to festival working and selling...they never stay in one place for long. Eliot works with his dad at a God will safe you Fat Camp! He loves to build fireworks. They happen to glance at each other as they passed in cars...and then ran into each other in a book store...it is a match made in heaven. The romance is sweet, the problems are realistic...what an incredible read!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Madame Pamplemousse and her Incredible Edibles

By Rupert Kingfisher...what an adorable book! I loved it! A young girl has to spend time in France with her mean uncle Monsieur Lard while her parents travel...she is a secret cook and loves to create yummy things. Her uncle owns a restaurant and refuses to let her cook...she has to run out and purchase some pate for an event...and discovers Madame Pamplemousse's shoppe! A restaurant critic is coming to her uncle's restaurant and they need to serve something special...Monsieur Lard makes his niece work for Madame Pamplemousse to learn the secrets of her incredible food...and of course I am not going to tell you how it ends. But, if you have children ages 6-10 they may love this tale!